Peter Geiger

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Red Robin artwork request

Having my license plate guitar art featured in Red Robin restaurants across the U.S. has been a lot of fun. In addition to having friends and family sending me pictures of my license plate guitars in Red Robins across the country, I have gotten a lot of interesting requests to create custom artwork from new clients.

Buying artwork in Red Robin restaurant?

Recently, I was contacted by a client who visited one of the Red Robin restaurants in in California. While waiting for their food, they saw my license plate guitar art on the wall and asked to purchase it. While Red Robin told him their artwork is not for sale, they were gracious enough to point them to my website and told he could buy it direct from me.

Once they were home, the client's wife sent me a request to ask about custom work. Of course, my answer was yes. 

Creating custom artwork for business

She requested a piece that would represent her husband and his business. The company is R.O.K. Solid Controls in Madrea CA. His name is Robert O Keith; hence the "R.O.K."

During my interview process, she explained that he is very patriotic and a strong believer in the American dream. She also told me the company was established in 2010 and based in California.

With all this information i created their artwork.

License plate artwork for satisfied customer

I always check with my clients to see how the artwork was received. That's when I got the phone call from Robert telling me how much he loved it. I told him, 'thank your wife, Joanne. She gave me all your information to create it.'

I always say I have the best clients , but this guy really R.O.K.s