Unique beach house artwork
This is a one-of-a-kind, handcrafted, Beach House themed artwork, featuring the owner’s boat and the beach they live at.
Their company logo is featured in the center. The name of the boat is Phishtails the beach they live that is Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. They wanted to feature their love of water, sunsets, and music.

License plate art custom gift
The music artist P!nk was featured on this piece the song Cover me in sunshine was requested by the collector.

Barn Find "The perfect gift for a car lover"
This truly is the perfect gift for any car crazy guy to re-create their first classic car from vintage license plates. You just tell me the year and I'll make it special.
The dimensions of this piece are 10 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 2.
The cost of this handmade artwork is $420 shipped anywhere in the US.

Custom Christmas Gift for Family
This unique Christmas gift was created to showcase all the things this family holds daer. It features the colleges their children attended, and their wedding date on the headstock. I was able to feature all the states they have lived in on the piece. The favorite family photo is featured in the center hole.

License plate Art 63 Corvette
This license plate art was a client request. They wanted the top-down view of a 63 split window Corvette on a Stratocaster-shaped guitar.

Best family gift
This piece was created with my client’s license plates it represents many things to his family the lighthouse featured in the center is a mosaic.

Pearl Jam custom gift

63 Corvette Stingray 24x30
Commisioned by the Corvette Museum in Bpwiling Green Kentucky,
Sold at the Corvette Museum January 2016

Gator Fan's from Florida and New York


Created for the kiss concert at the Amalie arena in Tampa Florida

Best Beach Art
Over 75 license plates used to create this highly reflective 3-D Sunset Beach art scene

Custom Tour Gifts
This piece was created for a country music artist as a tour gift
Clients tags custom dollar sign

Wedding gift for a car guy
This was an anniversary gift created for Ray and Erin Evernham.
It features their racing background and the states they are from New Jersey and Massachusetts. Their kids names are featured on the outside of the peace with the wedding date up on the headstock.
Tour gift created for the Who from Amalie Arena
Unique custom gift

Tour gift for the manager

Custom Thank You Gift
Created for Big Machine Records as a thank you from my client.

Custom gift for a musician
This piece was created for a client in Canada who has a relative on the Toronto Maple Leafs you also has a band called hot Lucy up on the headstock is the date that they met the place and personal references

Best Custom gift ever

Custom gift created for a realtor in Oklahoma

Custom piece created for a client from Texas. This will be displayed at their ranch. Its all about their family. Features the kids names and rach logo.

Best Anniversary Gift for Couple
This custom anniversary gift features all the places this couple and their family have lived. The children’s names are around the outside of the guitar. The family name is down the neck. "Seaside" is a beach town they love in Florida on the 30A highway. My client's wife had the “Save the Manatee” tag, which I was able to feature on the front of this highly personal wall art.

Custom music gift
This piece was created for a client who got to play a song Wagon wheel with Darius Rucker on stage I took one of his photos from the photographer and incorporated that into the piece and used the colors from the photo. The states featured have special meaning to my client. He also requested to feature his kids name s on the sides.

Unique gift, License plate art tells a story.
My clients are from Arizona, Colorado, Wisconsin, Florida, New York, Wyoming, Oregon, California, and Massachusetts.
I you can live it, I can fit it all in.

Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival
Created for the auction at Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass festival in Maine

Gift for a family from Montana

Real Corvette parts and license plates

Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb
This piece was created for a client in California who requested Pink Floyd comfortably numb. In the center hole, I featuring the flying pig from the Pink Floyd concerts my client also has potbelly pigs on her farm.
She requested that I use a teal color I am glad she did it was a great challenge but the reflection in the colors on the piece are like none other I have created.

60 Corvette Racing
This license plate art is a 3D 1960's style Corvette racing down a speedway. The car's motion is created by the strips of plates and the angle of the car. The piece measures 30x24x4 inches.

Happy Birthday Brad Paisley
I created this piece for Brad in 2011. He found me in a Southern Living article and sent the tags from his cars to create this one of a kind. I have his birthday up on the keys.
Happy Birthday to you I hope you day is a great one.

Gibson ES-335 "Freedom"
Old Glory

Special wedding gift
My client was from Alaska and North Carolina. It features the family name Gatwood and sayings requested by the client.

A client from Nebraska and California who likes to surf

Thank you gifts created for a corporate milestone

Mack tow truck
This license plate art was a gift for the owner of a towing company. Its a recreation of their truck from a photo my client emailed to me. The 3D artwork comes right off the wall at you. The license plate art measures 40x20x3 inches.

#moonshine is the theme here. So I featured a little bit of how it all started.#1940ford parts,flat black colors and vintage license plates with the Still Runnin reference mixed in with #nascarcolors and moonshine down the neck. This piece will be auctioned for Ray Evernham's charity event.

American Graffiti theme for Americarna Live 2016
This license plate art was created for the 2016 Americarna live auction. The host Ray Evernham has recently restored the 1958 Impala featured in the hit movie American Graffiti.
The theme of the benefit is American Graffiti. So when i did my research I wanted to feature that iconic image of Mels drive in. The movie is about a few friends there cars and a last night in a small town in Californa
O'Leary Ortho
Guns Up - Texas -Tech
Les Paul created for NY bar
Company theme and logos

License plate art was created for a pearl jam lover who is also a Green Bay Packers fan favorite song release.
I can do any style

Created for a Foo Fighters fan from NY,who loves the Colts and Guiness

Number 5 in a collection for a client in Miami.

Wedding gift
Yellowstone River - Montana collection

License plate art, Courtesy of the Red White and Blue
Created for a country music lover. Favorite song Courtesy of the Red White and Blue.

License plate art created for a client in Pennsylvania. You can pick any state you want and I can re-create the Harley Davidson theme with that state.

License plate art Amy Winehouse
Created for a client in Miami


Born2 Rock
Custom piece for a client from NY

Created for a RUSH fan from NC,Nevada,Texas. Features his favroite Roll the Bones tour.
The Doors created for a Jim Morrison fan

Special wedding gift
My client was from Alaska and North Carolina. The piece features their family name Gatwood and other sayings requested by the client.

Zac Brown - Chicken Fried
This client requested license plate art with a Zac Brown theme and songs they love

R.O.K. Solid Controls
For display at the headquaters in CA

JDRF Hope Gala 2016
Read more about this project, which was created as a custom auction gift.

Jess & Chris custom Birthday gift
Custom Birthday gift tells a life story with their kids featured on the outside of this 3D wall art.

Doc Watson "Merlefest" Tribute

Keller Williams 2014

Match Made In Heaven
Client from NJ born in Ohio, airline pilot meets Jersey girl and gets married in Hawaii July 21, 2007. They meet on line thats the .com reference on the keys and she love's to play card's too.

Susquehanna River Hawks
Created for a restaurant in Susquehanna Pennsylvania. Their mascot at the university is the River Hawks.

Hershey Bears Hockey
Created for the Red Robin Leigh Valley Resturant group

Scranton Wilkes Barre Yankees

Custom Gift for Jim Croce Fan from Florida
This custom license plate artwork was created for a Jim Croce fan from Florida. She saw my Tom Petty artwork on the Internet and asked if I could incorporate some of the same elements to pay tribute to her favorite artist, Jim Croce. His colorized image appears in the center hole. His signature song, Time in a Bottle, is featured on the bridge.

40th Birthday Gift
This client is a Who lover working for his pilot's license. They are from Florida and NC with stops in Tennessee. The keys are area codes that have special meaning to them.

1967 Corvette styled license plate art guitar.

Hershey Resturant
I get hungry just looking at this one. Commissioned for a restaurant in Hershey Penn. Most of their clients are chocolate lovers. So I worked that into the vintage Pennsylvania tags. #customgifts #art #artforsale #folkart #popart #follow#hershey #hersheypark #chocolate #barart #picoftheday #licenseplateart#bestgifts

Red Robin Mechanicsburg PA
Custom artwork created for a Red Robin Gourmet Burgers in PA
Billings Magic City- Montana Collection

Cat - Griz Brawl of the Wild, Montana Collection

Rockwell Republic Grand Rapids

Pocono Raceway
I would like to thank my client Scott for taking the time to work this one out. I know your a busy guy!
Pocono Raceway theme it's in PA so I used all vintage tags from there. Wanted a true racing theme so I went with a black top finish.
Then around the outside I added a few of racings all time greats and featured a few local hero's. #andretti #jimmyspencer#gordon #earnhardt So here is my tribute to the #trickytriangle #poconoraceway#poconos #art #racing #nascar
NY Violin Lover
Strat for British Expat
Designed for a music video

Birthdate on Keys

UNC Carolina Blue
Pictures and symbols are easy to add
You pick the artist
Your favorite song
feature your favorite song

Feature your favorite team
Keller Williams Realty
Company values on face
Horns for AC/DC

South African Flag

Yankees tribute Core-4

Yankees Tribute

Great spot for dates and logos

Acoustic style lets you say more

Mystery Guitarman "Youtube Star"

Birthday Gift

Design your loved one's guitar
Gamecocks Tribute
Client's Tags

Birthday Gift
Big Kiss fan from NY and NC

Wedding Gift
Bride and groom from Penn and Fla

Old tags are a classic and really pop
Strictly Business - FDNY- 270

Strictly Business - FDNY- 270
Nickname MAZ
Strictly Business - FDNY- 270
Mets and Jets fan got it
Birthday Gift
Ramones fan from CA,PA ,Phillies, Flyers and Converse All Stars did ya see that
Alpheus Communications Texas
Alpheus Communications Texas
The design for this is from the logo on there website
Viva La Vida
Birthday gift for a Cubs fan from Vegas, nickname POZ
Images and logos no problem
You pick the states
Anniversary Gift
Glory Days NJ Clients Tags

Retirement Gift
Southern Industrial " Big Earl " Clients Tags
Keys feature dates
Clients Tags
Birthday Gift

Cat- Griz Brawl of the wild , Montana Collection

Custom Gift for Nashville lover from Wisconsin ,Texas

Custom Birthday gift
This one celebrates my clients favroite year in Rock and Roll. 1969 was his all time tops a big Clapton and Hendrix and John Mayer so i used a Stratocaster shape as my canves here. He is from Michigan, Ohio and Illionis.

Quakertown PA Red Robin